Friday, October 14, 2011

Worst Blogger Ever

Yup.  I am the worst blogger.  I think of things to write all the time...I just can't manage to actually write them.
I could lie and tell you that I will be better....but that may not happen.

Here is a quick recap of what we have been doing since August.

These boys had to start their 2nd new school in a year and a half.  I can't begin to imagine how hard it must be nice to have to walk in the door of a new school.  We all feel like we have been in limbo for a long time.

They are growing up so fast.  Sigh.  Seems like just yesterday they were this little.....

We found a nest with baby birds in a bush outside of our garage......Mason and his friends won't leave them alone.  So, when we would walk out the door the momma bird would dive bomb our heads.  Nice.

Mason found a website where they set up Star Wars figures and took pictures of them.  So, Mason has been doing that for a few weeks now.  He has over 100 pictures...yikes.

Some of our very, very good friends in Tennessee came to visit!!!  We were so excited.  It was so good to see some familiar faces.  Rose and I always have a great time together and it is especially wonderful to annoy the kids.  They say they're coming back soon.....we really hope so!
 Rose and Mas

 Caitlynn and Shane at Bridgestreet Mall
Austin showing Shane some love.

I made Mason play baseball....because I have pictures of Chris, Shane and Tucker all playing.  That is how my sick mind works.  Months of  long games...because I need a photo opportunity.  Mason does look so, so cute in his uniform.  I think he likes baseball but he just is very nervous about hitting the ball.....we have to threaten him to swing.  He's getting better....slowly.  When we can get him to hit the ball he will probably be the fastest runner on the team.  The boy can run!

Tucker has Sever's Disease....which has something to do with the growth plate in his heal.  If he is on it a lot...he is in a lot of pain.  They rarely cast for this....but look who has been casted.  We don't do anything half way around here.  Poor Tucker did not get to play any football at all this year.  He was sad....and we were sad, too.  It has not been an easy move for my middle..wild child.

Mason really likes these crutches!

 Shane went to Homecoming!!!!  He went with a girl he knows from school that he also happens to go to church with.  I am not a big fan of this black on black look....but he was so handsome.  That was his last homecoming...ever:(


The youth group at church had an all nighter for the middle schoolers and Chris and I volunteered to help.  It was a lot of fun and we got to meet some of the other parents.  Tucker may be having trouble making friends at school but he isn't having any trouble at church.  It was nice to see him back in action!  On a side note....he has never roller skated before.  Seems kind of weird.  We have taken them ice skating a few times...but roller rinks are usually so dirty that I just never tried to take them...and they never asked.

The Christian rapper, Flame, was in concert at church and I took the boys to see him.  Both Mason and Tucker got to meet him and have their picture taken with him.  They were pretty excited!

We had a funeral, recently.  Mason's fish, that we got in Florida, finally died.  Quite honestly, I was wishing this would happen long, long ago.  He dug a deep hole and Chewbacca and Shark bait are buried on the side of the house.  R.I.P.

Well, that gets us through September!  I know you are all in suspense wondering what exciting thing the Redman's did over fall break.  I will try to bring you that fascinating story on Monday :)

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