In the past we have gotten a couple of dogs and several of them ran away. A couple I tried REALLY hard to find....put signs out, notices on, checked the shelters.....but one I just kind of said "Thank you, God" and went with it. We had the craziest, crack head dog a couple of years ago and we gave it to someone who lived on a farm. Truthfully, we haven't done real well in the dog department. We have had our cat as long as we've had Mason so we are not complete failures as pet owners.
This time I just kept looking on Craigs List and rescue websites. I wanted a dog that was at least 3 years old and potty trained :) Chris was super picky every time I showed him a dog. I just wanted to make sure we got the right behavior and he wanted cuteness. We have different ideas of what cuteness is.
I went to Bunco with a friend from church and the lady whose house we had it at she had a golden who was adorable. He had a stuffed animal that he carried around in his mouth and he was adorable. That made me want to work harder at finding one.
One day I was on Craig's List and I found her! They said she was a Golden/Lab mix that was black, potty trianed, well behaved. The owner was a single mother who was downsizing and had 2 dogs and was getting rid of one....the other she had for 11 years. We drove way out to the middle of nowhere, Alabama to check her out. She was sweet from the very beginning....and so we brought her home. Her name had been Ebony but we didn't like that so the boys chose "Abby." It is close enough that she answers to it. She really is super sweet and does have manners! The only problems we have had is when we crated her she freaked out and turned into Magnito from X-Men and demolished her bed and bent the bars on the crate. So, now she has free reign at night....but has never made a mess.
The only con so far is that we feel like we can't go anywhere and have to worry about being gone forever and the shedding. I could really do without more hair being everywhere. My own head of hair sheds enough for all of us.
Here she is......
Just in case you're wondering.....the people in this home who swore they would take care of her and do ANYTHING to get a dog.....are not the people who take care of the dog.
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